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  • Do you need expertise on a game engine such as Unreal Engine 4 ?

  • Do you want to learn graphic design software like the Adobe suite ?

  • Are you a school with a video game section?

  • Do you want to create video game content for a project of your company ?

  • Do you need advice on optimization or production processes as part of a video game project ?

The audiovisual industry is increasingly opening up to real time, thanks to video game tools. After 14 years of using these tools I can help you master them.

Consulting for SPLINE on the short REBOOT NOW!

Training on Unreal Engine 4, optimization of effects in real time, scripting of sequences and expertise on the production of a scene in real time.

Unreal Engine Trainer - ISART digital

Training of students as part of their studies (animation section & special effects section).
Theoretical and practical courses for the realisation of short films in real time.

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